1. Original Photo
2. Motion Blur
3. Black & White Conversion
Somehow I just knew exactly how Ron felt when he took this shot during his visit to the orphanage...
Photo courtesy of Ronald I Pudin
Life behind the camera of the http://amazingborneo.blogspot.com/
1. Original Photo
2. Motion Blur
3. Black & White Conversion
Somehow I just knew exactly how Ron felt when he took this shot during his visit to the orphanage...
Photo courtesy of Ronald I Pudin
I love shooting birds...especially when they're in action. Not the easiest of task of course and I if I might add, bird photography can really be frustrating most of the time.
For instance my shot of the Yellow-vented Bulbul below. I had not been out photographing for quite a while. I have to tell you that rust had creep in. Instead of getting the shot centered (Composing bird photography is way different than portraiture..and more often than not...center is the best option!), it went way off the coordinate.
I could have cropped it in post processing but decided not to...I guess it tells a story. A friend told me shot such as this needs poem written on the dead space! Well, guess what? I came out with a different approach. With the magic of CS, I created this;
Some might be offended seeing this but what can I say? It's a Digital World and nothing is impossible with Photoshop. However, other than the exhibition of the magical world of digital and photo editing I do insist on natural photos.
Personally, I like the fact that it can turn dull pic to an interesting ones, What say you?
Just came back from home (K.K). I had some memorable time together with the family. Lots of shopping around for and with the kids, raya is coming very soon!
This time around, the camera stayed put in the bag. Needless to say, the CF is of course remains empty. Frankly speaking, I didn't mind coz we had ourselves some pretty fun time. I can't wait to be home again (My next trip to K.K is on 1-2 Oct).
Here I am, alone at home in Labuan...my housemate has not came back from work. Flipped some old magazine and stumbled on a nice photoshop effect. It is called a Sabbattier effect. It was done on a person but I decided to do it on a landscape and made some major adjustments to my liking, enjoy;
Labuan WWII Memorial
The introduction would be incomplete without these guys, the centre of everything we do, meet;-
1. Alli Izzette Presley Sitorus
The negotiator.
2. Nur Sarah Maria Sitorus
The brain.
3. Nur Sabrina Azra Sitorus
The Artiste
They are the promising next generation of Sitorus in Borneo. Our jewels...
Hi and Welcome, I am Jordan Sitorus and the lovely lady beside me is Zaiton (my Mrs). "Behind the camera" is meant for me to blog away anything that I might be interested to share with everybody.
The picture was taken in Labuan by my 7yo son Alli, in late 2007. This was the original shot;
Noticed the main subject? Mummy! But there's nothing a CS3 can't do. With a bit of cropping and editing, Photoshop worked its magic. I smiled a lot when I was working with this picture. Alli persuaded his Mom to hand over the Sony H5 to him with his sweet talk. I have to say that it was convincing enough and eventually worth while! Bravo my Son!